网道为客户提供网络整合营销传播的高效服务的同时,也为员工提供更广阔的视野和施展空间。我们诚挚邀请每一个热爱广告,  热爱传播事业的同仁加盟,在媒体变革的今天,让我们一起,创造新的传播价值,实现我们的事业追求,成就我们的传播梦想。


Network channel network to provide customers with integrated and efficient marketing communication services,  but also provide a broader perspective and display space for employees. We invite every one of my colleagues  loves advertising, spread love to join the cause, changes in the media today, let us create a new  communication value and achieve our career to pursue, the spread of the achievements of our dreams.

Just give my heart and hard work, we are advertising genius! - "Advertising genius Li Bai"

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